When I saw my friends in the martial arts master class, I found they were not strong from the start. Conversely, many of them have complex inferiority about their physical strength. They are always the target of beatings by friends who are bigger and stronger because of their physical weakness. Some chronic pain during childhood. They overcome their weaknesses by confronting them and enduring their shortcomings. It is interesting that Kung Fu films take physically weak people as heroes and show their growth. In this case, these films are close to reality.

During his childhood, Kenichi was constantly sick before he began school. Kenichi did not play baseball, basketball, or football with boys his age because of his physical weakness.
A Constant Target for Persecution
When he went to elementary school, his lack of experience with physical education in his younger days began to give him problems. He was tall but thin; he looked like a sensitive type. He is good at school, scoring high marks in mathematics, language, science, history, and geology – anything other than physical education. Kenichi’s intelligence attracts negative attention from other students. They don’t like him doing better than they do in so many subjects. He is a constant target for persecution from his friends.
Joining the Dojo
Kenichi didn’t like being the target of constant intimidation, but he didn’t know how to avoid it. One day, he was walking along the street when he saw a sign for a karate dojo. At first, he was not confident that he could practice martial arts. It seemed to him to be a pursuit for strong, physically superior people. He thought that he would never be able to be good at it. But, since he was desperate, he decided to walk into the dojo. He talked with the sensei (teacher) there. Contrary to his expectations, the teacher was a man who seemed friendly, soft-spoken. He decided to join the dojo.
Training is not easy. He needs to train his muscles and increase his body’s flexibility. There was fierce competition with fellow trainees. Five years passed, and he became a third-class black belt. He does not have to work to avoid, find, or fight harassment, because no one is bothering him anymore.
Kenichi managed to turn his weaknesses into advantages for him. If you can identify your weakness or inferiority, you must be happy. Your inferiority might turn out to be your advantage one day if you try hard.