It's Time To Start Teaching Leadership So It Sticks

It’s Time To Start Teaching Leadership So It Sticks

Leadership is a learned skill. It’s not something that you’re born with and can’t be learned. I’ve worked with leaders for over 20 years, and there are some common themes that come up again and again. For example, we all tend to learn best when we learn in small doses versus large chunks of information all at once. In fact, research shows that if we receive too much information at once, our brains tend to shut down—that’s why so many people have trouble remembering what they read on Wikipedia or Google (not to mention their own emails). However, if you break down key concepts into smaller pieces and then practice them over time with repetition… well then suddenly it becomes much easier to gain mastery at any given skill set!

Leadership is best taught in small doses.

Leadership is a skill that can be learned. It’s not a title, it’s …

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How To Get A College Education For Free

How To Get A College Education For Free

Getting a college education is expensive. But there are ways to get a college education without spending money. Here’s how:

Use your local library

Libraries are a gold mine of resources for college students, especially if they’re not able to afford their own books. With the advent of ebooks and online databases, libraries can provide access to all sorts of information without ever having to leave home.

Beyond that, there are plenty of other benefits:

  • Libraries often have free wifi as well as computers you can use without charge. If you need help with your homework or just want somewhere quiet where no one will bother you while studying, this is an ideal setting!
  • Many libraries also offer book clubs where people discuss popular books together–this could be a great way for someone who doesn’t think they’d enjoy reading much otherwise (like me) but wants some ideas about what might
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How To Teach Yourself Anything

How To Teach Yourself Anything

You’ve probably heard that you can teach yourself anything. The internet has made it easier than ever for people to learn on their own, and as long as you have a passion for something and the right attitude, self-education can be an effective way to improve your life. But how do you actually go about teaching yourself something? We’ll show you how in this post:

Set Clear Goals

In order to set goals that are actually achievable, you need to know what the problem is. You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what it is.

The first step in learning anything new is defining your goal. Don’t worry about what other people’s goals are; just define yours! Be ambitious but stay realistic–you want something tangible and measurable so that when you achieve it, there’s no question in your mind whether or not it was successful.

For example: If …

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4 Tips to Help Your Child in Coping with Homeschooling

4 Tips to Help Your Child in Coping with Homeschooling

As school closures emerged in the second quarter of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to engage in homeschooling became important. From comments on, opinions are divided on how learning can be very effective.

It is important to note that to enrich the academic life of your kid, homeschooling is as effective as online learning. This is why some people turn to homeschooling and allowing private tutors, rather than physical contacts with other students in the public.

If you still feel paranoid about the gradual change in the time, and you are not comfortable with physical class resumption, you can consider online learning options for your kid. You must do these if you want to homeschool your kid:

1.  Understand Your Kid:

You must be able to know your kids. Know and understand when he learns and how he learns best. Different kids fare differently in …

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5 Plans You Must Put in Place Before Leaving for Your Next Vacation Trip

5 Plans You Must Put in Place Before Leaving for Your Next Vacation Trip

It’s a smart idea to plan first if you are considering a vacation in the immediate future. There are a lot of things to prepare for a trip and at times it can feel overwhelming. But you can relieve a lot of the hassle and tension with extra thinking beforehand. While on the trip, your mind should be a rest and not wandering back home on whether you did all you were supposed to do. It is meant to be a stress-relieving experience. Visit to check out the customer reviews of hotels and accommodations in various destinations.

So, before you leave for that wonderful vacation trip, here are 5 plans you must put in place.

1. Budget for the trip

Creating a travel budget should be resolved long before you prepare for or book your travel. Without overextending your spending, you need to realize if you have enough funds …

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