Is now a good time to upgrade your business education? Are you working in the military and you wish to move up in rank, if so then you’ll need a degree. If you work in logistics services or you manage a military unit’s financial affairs then it would sure help to have a business degree.
In many companies and corporations if you have a business degree you have upward mobility, and if you already have the job, it makes sense to get the degree so that you stay with the company, and someone else the one that gets laid off, while you receive the promotion. This is where ongoing education comes in, and this might be a very good time to get a business degree. Let me explain.
It appears that there are seats available in some of the top business schools in the country right now, and they need to fill those seats, and therefore they may be offering deals. Does it matter where you get your business degree? It does, it matters on your resume, and not all business schools are the same. Some of the most popular ones may not be the best, so you’d still have to do some shopping around.
On September 17, 2012 there was an article in the Wall Street Journal titled; “B-School Applicants Decline for Fourth Year,” by Melissa Korn. The article showed as much as a 20% drop in the last 2-years in some very well-known business schools. Even Yale’s School of Management was nearly a 10% decline in the last two-years.
Now then, that might be a very good article for you to read, as you consider some of what I’m saying here. You see, if you are just entering college and thinking about getting a business degree you may not wish to spend the hundred thousand dollars in student loans obligating yourself for a decade or more of payments without guaranteed employment. But if you are already employed, all of a sudden it’s a totally different ballgame, your education isn’t your first degree rather, it is continuing education, up in beyond whatever you have already.
Companies, corporations, and government agencies must run their business units efficiently, with a Six Sigma style strategy. It’s imperative. In the future there will be significant budget cuts in government, and they will have to have the best people possible to maintain efficiency, provide maximum services, and do it as inexpensively as possible.
Obviously you can understand that reality is coming forth very quickly. My question to you is are you ready for it? If not you might consider some continuing business education for your future. Please think on it.
Obviously you can understand that reality is coming forth very quickly. My question to you is are you ready for it? If not you might consider some continuing business education for your future. Please think on it.